Sep 12, 2024  
Juilliard Extension Division Fall 2024 
Juilliard Extension Division Fall 2024

EVDOL 26 - The Tone Poem

Brad Balliett, Doug Balliett
This course offers an insightful exploration of the tone poem, an instrumental genre that transcends musical boundaries to evoke imagery, narratives, landscapes, and even abstract concepts. While often associated with the Romantic era, the origins of the tone poem extend back to the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Guided by the Brothers Balliett, participants will trace the evolution of the form, examining how it has been shaped and refined by key composers throughout history.

The course delves into the works of Vivaldi, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Liszt, and Strauss, among others, highlighting how these composers integrated the tone poem into their musical repertoire and used the form to convey profound emotional and narrative depth. Through a combination of lectures, listening sessions, and discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of the tone poem’s significance and its capacity to convey complex ideas through music. This journey through the history of the tone poem will illuminate its enduring influence and relevance in the classical music landscape.

4 weeks

Mondays 5:15–6:45pm ET

October 21

November 4

November 11

November 18

Online Only
